Admissions Interviews

Once an admissions committee has offered you an interview, they consider you a viable candidate for their school based on your application. The interview allows the committee to evaluate and assess your interpersonal skills, your motivation for the profession and the unique aspects of your academics and experience. Be prepared and make the most of the opportunity!

Types of Interviews

  • Individual Interview

  • Panel or Small Group Interview

  • Regional Interview

  • Multiple Mini Interview (MMI)

  • Structured Interview

  • Multiple Interviewee Panels

Mock Interviews

Pre-health mock interviewing is available to students and alumni preparing for or currently in the health professions application cycle. Interviews are one hour and include a feedback session aimed at increasing your readiness and confidence before an actual admissions interview. You can schedule your mock interview in Handshake.

Schedule Your Mock Interview

For general interview information, see our Interviews page:


For a full guide and details on each step in applying to medical school, read the Pre-Health Application Guide.